Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thought for tonight! 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My friend and I decided to take a trip to the Arboretum as we often do this time of year; it is so beautiful there, a place I love to go and and take in all of Gods beauty.  The photos below are quiet unique as this dead tree was given life by some talented students at UK- I love how the sun was glistening in on the bottles giving them that extra glow. 

I just had to share a couple of images from this happy couples session! Aren't they just the cutest-
They have such a beautiful family. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

~Senior Session with Emily- 

I have been so busy that I haven't had the chance to share any of the images taken of one of my 2012 Seniors- Emily asked me a while back to take her senior pictures; I was very thrilled that she asked me as the class of 2012 is a year behind my daughter's graduating 2011 class-  and I have had the opportunity to watch many of these students grow up and I have a special place in my heart for them- Here is a tiny glimpse at a few of your images! Despite the wind we still managed o get some great shots, looking forward to finishing your session.  ATTENTION READERS~ If you know of any 2013 graduates looking to have their senior pictures taken I am now booking fall sessions- these tend to book up fast and appointments are limited- I also have a few spots available in June. 

(I'm not sure I like how blogger has distorted this image) - Looks much better on my screen viewing from the gallery. 
Toyota Blue Grass Stakes~ Keeneland- Lexington, KY-

I've only had the pleasure of going to Keeneland a few times in my life, and last week my husband and I decided that we would go.  Of course being slow and all because it was the weekend we didn't get out of town until around noon and by the time we got to Lexington the traffic was horrific and the line was long- I decided I would wear my new cute top and heels- YES- people I said HEELS.. what was I thinking?  Needless to say I had to take them off and walk barefoot all the way to the gate and mind you- we were almost parked at the airport or so it seemed, I "bet" we walked 2 miles.- my feet were KILLING ME.  I won't even act the least bit like my husband had a hard day, as he decided he was NOT going to dress up, he would be comfortable and wear jeans, his Nike's and he would do me a favor and wear his polo shirt. (at least we matched)   It ended up being a record breaking attendance day with there being more than 40,000 people. The day was great overall, with the weather being impeccable and me like a kid in a candy store with my macro lens- Did I say how in LOVE I am with this lens? The day couldn't get much better- Although we didn't come home with a BIG WIN- I still got in a few great shots- up close and personal.

Remember if you decide to go to Keeneland PLEASE wear your flats. Lesson Learned!

The image below is of Dullahan- winner of the Toyota Blue Grass Stakes-
Dullahan will go on to race in the Kentucky Derby. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

In love with the macro!

Did I tell you how in love I am with my macro lens? Ohhhh why yes I am- I can see these ants larger than life- and I just love the life it gives my flowers~ Also great for capturing those small details at weddings...etc. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Get Inspired by~Jasmine Star

I have always had a love for natural light- on-location photography reading anything and everything I could so that I could better myself- and I am still learning.

In the past I have questioned "if" I really have what it takes to be a great photographer and I'm not sure most photographers would admit that although I know that most all have thought it at one point or another.  I used to find myself wondering if others were judging me or comparing me to someone else- now not so much I've come to realize that we are all unique individuals and have different shooting styles; and my style may not be for everyone..... so don't compare me.

After taking several photography classes at the community college and at camera shops in the Lexington and Louisville area and doing tons of research online and making sure I had lots of PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE I stumbled upon a blog by Jasmine Star, a Top Ten Wedding Photographer in the California area featured in many magazines; after reading Jasmine's story and watching all of her videos and buying her magazine "EXPOSED" I was mesmerized by all she had to say and the inspiration she had given me and at that moment I knew in my heart that YES- I do have what it takes- I may not be a full time photographer with a studio-, and my style may not be what everyone likes, but YES- Jasmine inspired me to be confident with who I am as a photographer and not to be afraid to take a chance and to put myself out there for those who wanted me to photograph them for their special event~ Since that time which has been several years now I have had many people ask me to photograph them and the best part is NO I'm not perfect and YES, I give it all I've got and will work hard to make you happy. In the last several years I along with my business partner we have had the pleasure to shoot more than eighty weddings, and have photographed many seniors. I'm excited to see where my business goes, and am ready for the challenge.

If you want to be inspired I would encourage you to do the same and watch Jasmine's video and check out her blog- even if you're not a photographer Jasmine has this special way of talking to you, a special way to make you feel right at home and to inspire you; she shares a quote that her husband said to her when she was deciding to  give up law school to become a professional photographer- JD said "I would rather see you fail at something you love than succeed at something you hate".  and how true is that???  After hearing this it made me extremely thankful that I have two jobs that I love- one in the newspaper industry in sales and the other as a photographer. Life is good!

CHECK IT OUT~Once again Jasmine THANK YOU~ Be sure to check out the video  ChaseJarvisLive with Jasmine Star or click here to visit her website http://www.jasmine-star.com/ Or her blog- http://www.jasminestarblog.com/

Macro- Loving this lens- 100mm f/2.8L


A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

Success~ What people think it looks like. Success~What it "really" looks like.

This post is one that I think about often- Many people are always quick to judge others, quick to point fingers because they think they have the answer to everything!!! Which is impossible. We are all different and have different ideas, we all can bring something different to the table.  In today's world there is NO RIGHT and NO WRONG way to do things- We can each be unique, do our own thing, and I prefer it that way, I would rather be different and set myself apart from others.

SO What do you think success looks like? To me success is being happy, loving what you do, surrounding yourself by those who support and love you, striving to be a better person daily, (Not that you have to be PERFECT to be successful) but you must make goals, strive to be better- Does it take time to get there? YES~ YES~ YES~ I don't care who tells you that it doesn't- THEY ARE wrong, everything you set out to do takes work, HARD WORK, and YES you will FAIL~ the key is to then Learn how to get up and start over again, learn from your mistakes, show those who told you that you can't that YOU CAN~~~

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Booking up fast~

All of those who have talked with me about sessions- I am starting to book up fast and only have a few Saturdays & a couple of Sunday evenings available between now and end of June. I may be able to squeeze in an evening session during the week; if this is an option message me~

Carlisle, KY Photographer~ Meet Daisie

I was so excited for the session with this little sweetheart- she had the biggest personality. Happy that her mom loved the pics from her session.

I truly believe~

I truly believe-
Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything~

That moment captured forever-the one thing we can turn to when something tragic happens an image of that day in time that brings back the good feelings we had at that moment, those memories/feelings that pull at our heart and make us feel, the images that are worth more than a million bottled stars, just to be able to admire something that we cherish and would never part with, that one thing that can bring it all rushing back to us- A photo- it's irreplaceable.

That is exactly what I want to do with my photography, create images that will capture your heart, bring back memories every time you look at them, pull at your heart and make you feel, create images that you will cherish forever and always-