Monday, November 12, 2012

Photo-Video Fusion

-Well you asked for it!- or well I guess I did lol!  Several months back when I purchased my newest camera I contemplated on the fact that it had video capabilities- I wondered if I could justify the cost- after a week or so to think it over I went ahead and took on the challenge- I bought the camera in hopes to one day offer video with my photos- PHOTO-VIDEO FUSION  I mean after all I had created many videos over the years for proms, graduation and other events for our local school system- and I know how heartfelt they were- SO here we are - I posted my first video with photos a few weeks back with Alleneas' session- although only a few clips were included I receive great feedback- so the time has finally arrived I will be offering a combination of video-and photo.  Either add it to your package or purchase it in Ala carte- Message me for details- Some may think of this as a silly idea- well I beg to differ as the more I see some of the videos that I've created and the power it has to tug at the hearts of those that they mean something too- well those moments-are irreplaceable- nothing can compare to the feelings these videos make you have- something just tugs at  your heart- a memory- a moment in time- a moment that will never be lost-  So give me a call today to set up your appointment- 859-749-6281

Saturday, November 10, 2012

High School Seniors